Where does the time go?
Really busy.
I'm talking about working 5-10 hours a day on our "Get the house ready to sell" list.
I'm not exaggerating.
Of course I took breaks every hour and and a half or so. If I was tired and didn't have the energy to stand up, I would work on something where I could sit or kneel down.Either way, the list was getting done. By April 30th. And the house was getting put on the market on May 12th. As my mama used to say: "Come hell or high water".
I was determined and we did it.
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My spreadsheet that I used to keep us on track |
The photographer came on Wednesday and the house was on the market the next day. We decided to hold showings until the Open House on Saturday, which was a big relief because there were a lot of little things that needed to get done so that the house could look as good as it could.
As we drove down the street right before the Open House started, I couldn't hold back the tears.
They weren't tears of sadness that we were leaving the house we'd been in for 16 years, they were tears because we did it. We finished the list and I felt relief.
The following day we had 3 more showings and offers started coming in Monday morning. We had 3 more showings on Monday and by that evening, 3 offers had come in.
Those 3 days weren't easy.
Getting 3 cats out of the house + my husband being on call over the weekend really made showings difficult.
As for the multipe offers, we collaberated with our realtor and decided to go back to each of the potential buyers and ask them to make their highest and best offer by Tuesday at 2pm and then we'd start negotiating with the one we felt was the strongest.
Back to how I'm feeling. Dang. Selling a house is sooooooo stressful.
Stress with chronic lyme is no bueno. There were a few sleepless nights because of "what ifs" and because I was experiencing gaps in my memory concerning the house. I just couldn't let it go and the gaps in my memory REALLY bothers me. I also have some gaps concerning a few other things not pertaining to the house and last year, when I was really sick, is a big blur.
Back to stress, I took HPA balance and l-theanine in the morning on the days when the stress was really bad. I wish I had thought of this sooner, as it helps a lot.
When the stress was really bad during the last month before our house went on the market, I was having some worsening of symptoms such as my feet feeling a little more numb, my balance was off more, my eyes bothered me a bit more, I had/have some trouble finding words and I've started losing more weight.
Overall, I'm surprised I didn't relapse and have worse symptoms, especially fatigue, because I was really pushing myself.
To add to all the stress and probably due to it, I was having trouble sleeping. Anxiety seemed to blow everything out of proportion, but I managed to hold it together with the help of my husband and our realtor. After the offers came in and the contract to purchase was signed, I was able sleep a lot better.
We still had some uncertainty when we were under contract as the house hadn't closed yet and not getting to closing is always a possiblility, but I wasn't stressed about that at all. I knew that if the buyer backed out that day or the next week, we'd put the house up again and we'd have another offer a couple of days after that because that's how things are going. That would have been ok with me because we hadn't found another house to buy at that time. This was causing me more stress, plus getting all of our stuff out of here in a few weeks.
We found a cute house in the neighborhood I was looking at and put down and made an offer the day we saw it. We knew there'd be other offers. It was a fixer for us and needed about $50,000 - $75,000 worth of work to get it to work for us. It was a small house, had a basement and needed a lot of landscaping.
The next day, I went to see another house...one story, not in the area I originally wanted, but it did I mention it was ONE story? No stairs, except for the couple going up to the porch in the front and several in the back because the lot is sloped and the house in the back is on a high crawl, which adds a lot of storage under the house.
I had gone with our realtor to see it and my husband called and said he could come by. He liked it too.
We decided right then to rescind the offer on the other house because we just weren't up to working the next couple of years - at least getting the house renovated.
This one story house had very little yard work - I estimate we'll spend about $200 less a month on average, plus it's only 3 years old and looks brand new. True, the kitchen is much smaller than the house we were in and the office and hall bath are much smaller, but every other room is about the same size or larger than the house we were living in. The crawl could be encapsulated and provide us with as much space as we need.
I'll continue with this story another time. The next couple of weeks were difficult to say the least.
Hope today is a good day for you
If you'd like to read the 2nd half of our moving adventure, it can be found HERE.
Numbness, tingling in feet was getting worse, not getting better
dizziness/off balance- was mostly gone, but has been a little worse - I'm wobbly not just when I'm tired
blurry eyes - eyesight seems to be worse
urgency (3) - still a problem
noise sensitivity (4)
startles easily (4)
muscle pain -not very often
muscle weakness - when I'm tired
tremors - happened when exposed to loud noises
high pitch ringing in the ears/low pitch ringing - same