Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Roundabout Way To Finding Energy

Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this post. If you purchase from the links, I will make a small commission on the product you buy

This is a long post, but I always like to explain things fully, so hang in there!

It's been a long 12 months since we moved into our new house. For those who don't know the story, go to THIS post. The short version is: I worked too hard getting our house ready to sell from January 1 to May 2016, then had an extremely stressful downsize/move and I started crashing after our house sold. I just couldn't get out of bed and was totally exhausted. Then, sometime around Fall, I developed brain fog and dizziness and couldn't drive most days. I am so thankful that my husband and daughter helped me by stopping off at the grocery store to bring food home, as well as helping me around the house.

During this time I kept taking all of my supplements and trying new ones that I thought would help, but I wasn't making any progress.

Around January, I started looking into getting my amalgams removed. It took several months of getting quotes from 2 different holistic dentists for amalgam replacement.

Can't remember when I found the Andy Cutler Chelation Support Group on Facebook, but I started taking the "Core 4" they recommend. They are: 200 mg magnesium 4 times a day, 1-2 grams of Vitamin C 4 times a day, 1000 mg mixed tocopherols Vitamin E, once a day and 50 mg Zinc once a day. Getting the right dosage of vitamin C was fun...NOT! 1 gram 4 x a day is all I can handle.

Not sure I felt any better on those, but I continued taking them (still do).
If you read my last post, I told you how K-Laser treatments took away the really bad brain fog, so that I could drive to my appointments, but I still had dizziness throughout the day, which made me unable to accomplish much because I was tired and couldn't think efficiently.

I spent many hours reading posts in the groups on Facebook, which lead me to articles, which led me to supplements I could try.  Here's a good tip: Amazon is a great place to read about how supplements have or haven't helped people. When choosing a product, I will always look at how many people have reviewed the item. If it's got a 4+ stars  and several hundred reviews, that's the product I might try.

So, several weeks ago, I somehow found my way to Youtube and a video about a guy who was making GCMAF(an immune booster) with a raw probiotic and colostrum. The video piqued my interest, so I did a Google search for  "colostrum and lyme disease", which brought me to several articles.
After that, I search for  "colostrum" in the different lyme groups to see what people were saying. Many people said that Sovereign Laboratories had the best colostrum, so I went to the website and ordered one of their samples.

I ordered a sample instead of a larger pack because it's really expensive and if I didn't like the taste of it I didn't want to waste my money! It's also available on Amazon through the link above. Be sure to read the reviews!

This is what Sovereign Laboratories says about colostrum:

Colostrum's Growth Factors — Not Just for Newborns

Colostrum contains numerous growth factors (hormones) which promote healing and create an anti-aging response. Research shows that colostrum's growth factors offer the following benefits:
• Regenerate and accelerate normal growth of aged or injured muscle, bone, cartilage, skin collagen and nerve tissue.
• Help the body burn fat for fuel instead of muscle tissue in times of fasting or dieting.
• Help build and retain lean muscle.
• Repair DNA and RNA.
• Heal burns, surgical incisions, cuts, abrasions, and mouth sores with topical application.
• Control infection and pain associated with gingivitis, sensitive teeth and dental work.
• Help regulate blood glucose levels and "brain chemicals", providing alertness and better concentration.
• Help regulate the brain's "feel-good" chemicals to brighten mood.

You can read the whole article  HERE

A few days after ordering the sample, it arrived and tasted ok; like watered down milk.  The next day, our daughter is in need of immune support, so I gave the sample of colostrum to her. After giving her the sample of colostrum, I spent the money and ordered a 16 oz pack.

I was a little disappointed that I had to wait several days, but while I was online searching for colostrum, another product came up.  I happened to have this supplement already, but with all the other things I was taking, I hadn't even tried it. I read about it last year and the housecleaner I hired  before we put our house on the market mentioned it had helped someone she knew and she told me to get it.

I was hoping that the product hadn't expired and it was still good, so I took it the next morning.
I had a little more energy that day, but was thinking I might just be having a good day. I took it the next day and had even more energy and I felt good. It's been almost a week now and I've had energy every day. 2 days this week I woke up at 7 am and started working around the house! Most days I've wake up terribly slow, don't feel good and need at least 2 hours to feel somewhat normal.

So, what is the product???

It's 4Life Transfer Factor Plus. Here are the ingredients:

It's even more expensive than the Sovereign Laboratories colostrum... The SL colostrum is $99.95 for 16 ounces, but the package will last for 3 months. The Transfer Factor Plus is $56.95 and is only a 30 day supply.
Now,  I'm not a doctor and I can't tell you that it's going to work for you, but I'm glad I finally tried it.

Just because it's working for me know, doesn't mean I would have had the same result a year ago. I will never know. It might have helped me so dramatically because of all the other supplements I'm taking, or because I'm not as sick as I used to be.

I was so surprised (and delighted) to have such a dramatic and positive immediate result. Unless I have a negative reaction to something new, I will give it a 3 month trial to make a difference. It takes that long for the body to start healing - at least that's been my experience.

So, there you have it. Transfer Factor Plus is the product that's given me back my energy - At least for now! I will have to do an update in another month to let you know if the energy continues. If it does, and I still feel great, it's definitely worth the money.

Hope today is a good day for you!

Let me know you were here by making a comment. You can also email me anytime at pardesigns @ aol . com


UPDATE: I still have energy, although it's not as dramatic as the first couple of weeks.  We shall see how things pan out after taking the colostrum 3 months. That seems to be how long it takes for me to see steady progress. 

I'm not a doctor and this post is not meant for medical advice. Check with your doctor before taking any medications or supplements

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Replacing The First 3 Amalgams

Hey Everyone! 

I haven't posted for a couple of months, so it might be good to bring you up to date as to how things are going  with me.
lyme disease, K-Laser, Andy Cutler Chelation

I'll recap for those who may have forgotten:
I had a bit of a breakthrough with the really bad brain fog that kept me from driving at all with the K-Laser treatments from my chiropractor. The K-Laser reduced the inflammation in my neck and after a couple of treatments, I was able to drive myself to the chiropractor 20 minutes away on my appointment day. I pretty much wasn't able to do anything else that day and had to rest so that I wouldn't get any level of brain fog and I could make it to my appointment. Driving home is never a problem because I feel great about 10 minutes after the treatment and for about 2 hours afterwards.
I highly recommend K-Laser or another cold laser treatment. If you have pain or inflammation, seek out a chiropractor or other clinic that offers it.

lyme disease, K-Laser, Andy Cutler Chelation

Despite not having the really bad drugged out feeling brain fog, dizziness still continued to be a daily occurence. I might have an hour or two of nearly  a clear head, but later in the day or if I stood up for too long, the dizziness would come on. It made it very difficult to make even the simplest of chores or even to make dinner.

About a month ago, I had 3 of 5 amalgams safely removed by a biological/holistic dentist here in Charlotte. It was a traumatic experience and it was mostly my fault!!! 
Let me tell you why, so you don't make the same mistake...

I currently belong to a group called Andy Cutler Chelation on Facebook. It's a great group with a lot of support and a lot of good information. I highly recommend it if you're concerned about mercury toxicity.

The day before my dental appointment, I figured I should read the ACC group file on what to do at the dentist office. I mentally checked off each thing to do...
until I go to the part where it said to stop taking vitamin C two days before so that the numbing meds the dentist gives you doesn't wear off too quickly. I take 1 gram of vitamin C four times a day and had just taken my morning dose, but didn't take any more that day. I figured I'd be ok.

The  next morning at my long awaited appointment, the dentist gave me nitrous oxide and it took a long time for me to feel the effects.  The dentist covered me from head to toe, gave me a mask with oxygen, had a special vacuum to whisk away any vapors and the dentist and assistant were covered and had a respirator on. 
The mercury was removed from 3 teeth, 1 was a crown. I was given multiple injections of numbing meds and was nearing the max amount she could give me in 1 day. She was working quickly  trying to finish prepping my final tooth for a crown, but wasn't able to finish after giving me a final injection. The assistant gave me a temporary filling and I had to make an appointment to come back the following week. All of this took 4 hours.
lyme disease, K-Laser, Andy Cutler Chelation

Let me tell jaw was so sore and I couldn't open my mouth more than an inch until the 3rd day.  I felt miserable after the numbing meds started to wear off, but I started feeling better about 10 pm the evening after amalgam removal. The  strange thing was that even though I felt sore and not so good from all the dental work, my brain was clear and my eyesight was great and I could see the TV in my room without glasses. I thought it might be from the 4 hours of oxygen I had during the dental work. Makes me think I should look into that!

One thing of note; the day after getting the amalgams removed I felt lighter or that the mercury burden was lighter. Kind of like when you get a hair cut. Someone else brought this up in the ACC group. Many agreed.

I went back the following week to get the final prep done for my 2nd crown. I made sure that I stopped all vitamin C three days ahead of time, just to be sure. When I went back in, the dentist gave me 2 shots of numbing medication and went to do a third, but I waved her off and said I didn't need it and that I was already really numb. She wanted to make sure the same thing wouldn't happen again. I told her it was because I hadn't stopped my vitamin C in time. Things went well and now I'm just waiting for my permanent crowns to come back so I can have those put on.

After this dental appointment, I wasn't that sore and could eat regularly the next day. It was a lot better than the first appointment.

I'll be making the 2nd appointment to get the remaining two teeth for the end of September. I'd do it sooner, but the ACC group says that your body starts to dump mercury 2-4 months after your last amalgams are removed and many people don't feel well. We have a wedding to go to at the end of October and I don't want to miss it.  I will start chelating after Christmas, which will be 3 months after the last amalgam removal.

Ever since the 3 amalgams were removed, I've started to make a little progress again. The most progress I've made has been the past 5 days because of something new I've been taking. I'm pretty excited about it and hope my new found energy continues.

I read about a lot of things and then try them, if they're not too expensive and of course, not dangerous to your health. 

Sorry to leave you hanging here, but I'll tell you about it next time!


Here is the status of my symptoms:
Numbness, tingling in feet - fluctuates, but seems to be getting better
dizziness/off balance- getting better 
brain fog- Haven't had any in the past week
blurry eyes - seems to have stablilized
urgency  (3) - still a problem
noise sensitivity (2)
startles easily- very little unless it's a really loud noise.
muscle pain -2 some days more, especially after working too hard.
muscle weakness- I think I'm getting stonger
high pitch ringing in the ears/low pitch ringing. High pitch comes and goes,
This list is getting shorter!

Here are some products I like and are currently taking:
These are affiliate links, which mean I'll make a small commission should you order from the link. Thanks!